Who is Goddess – Reflecting and Working with Her

Yes, this class is back to basics. Yes this is the beginning, a no brainer, but this is exactly what we forget. The simple of Goddess gets lost in the complexity of Goddess. Control suppresses freedom and our struggles are granted power over our senses and trust. The wheel has turned my sisters and we find ourselves in the darkest part of winter. It is time to turn inward and return to the basics, the beginning where Goddess silently awaits...

Goddess Aphrodite

Aphrodite, the beautiful goddess of love, was the only goddess who had neither a father nor a mother. Nobody knew from where she had come. The West Wind had first seen her in the pearly light of dawn as she rose out of the sea on a cushion of foam. She floated lightly over the gentle waves and was so lovely to behold that the wind almost lost his breath. With soft puffs, he blew her to the flowering island...

Goddess Quan Yin – Goddess of Wisdom and Mercy

Kuan Yin is the name for the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, bodhisattva translating to mean; bodhi-wisdom & sattva- being in Sanskrit. She is one of the most universally beloved of deities in the Buddhist tradition, Her name is short for Kuan Shih Yin (Guan Shi Yin) which means "Observing the Sounds of the World". As the Bodhisattva of Compassion, She hears the cries of all beings. Also known as Quan Yin, Quan'Am (Vietnam), Kannon (Japan), and Kanin (Bali), She is the embodiment of...

Goddess Gaia

In the beginning there was Gaia, a beautiful Goddess born from the great void of the Air known as Khaos. Goddess Gaia was life, a single living cell, dividing and re-dividing in its own creation. As beautiful as life was Goddess Gaia was alone in the great void of Khaos so once again She created life of Herself and gave birth to the Starry Heaven- Ouranos. She longed for Him to be her mate and lie with Her at night. Goddess...

Goddess Kali Ma

The Hindu triple Goddess Kali (pronounced kah'lee) is a warrior Goddess of creation, preservation, and destruction. She is also called Dark Mother of destiny as 'Kal' means Darkness of Time and “i” means the cause. Goddess Kali is “I who am beyond time” or “I who am time eternal”. Goddess Kali is endless spiral, unchangeable as She absorbs the Darkness of Karma for just as all the colors of the spectrum mix into black, yet still black remains black, so...

Goddess Isis

Au Set of the winged arms, was born in Nubia along the Nile swamps on the first day of creation. It was the colonizing Greeks that altered the pronunciation to yield the now-familiar Isis, first daughter of the overarching sky Goddess Nuit, and the earth God Geb. Her worship would span generations and spread from Alexandria to all the Mediterranean countries reaching its peak in the third century BC. Its decline would come with the church and Christianity, the last Egyptian...

Goddess Asherah, the Forgotten Goddess

The Canaanites were the inhabitants of what is now Palestine and actually became a general term for "all the inhabitants" of the land of ancient Israel. They were a peaceful prosperous people who worshiped both male and female deities. Their pantheon tracing back to a Mother of the Sea - Goddess Asherah and a father of the heavens - El. The worship of Goddess Asherah is no different than the myths of many ancient people who created a loving Mother...

Goddess Oya

Goddess of transformation and change Listen and you shall hear me in the winds Know it is my thunder that gives a warning in the dark Do not dare deny me through false tongue my daughters Do not anger me with fences of blindness For you must run wild and free of injustice to celebrate me And it is you who must call forth the storm of change. Goddess Oya is a powerful African Goddess. Black as night, erotically she runs wild and free finding balance between...

Goddess Parvati

In the Hindu tradition, it is believed that all goddesses originate from the divine feminine principle known as shakti (shock-tee). They are each, therefore, aspects of who we are as women. The goddess Parvati is the nurturing aspect of shakti. It is she who reminds us of the great but gentle power we all possess. In India, Parvati is the most beloved goddess of all. In her is a true celebration of woman: unsurpassed beauty and sensuality; unwavering confidence; intense sexual...

Goddess Circe

Goddess Circe sometimes pronounced Kirkę - properly pronounced in traditional ancient Greek as Sur'-see Her origins and myths are plenty in Greek mythology. In one She is said to be the daughter of the Sea Nymph Perseis and the Sun God Helios, in another she is said to be the daughter of Goddess Hecate and Hermes. Her associations with Goddess Hecate are plentiful, from maiden servant, to student, to selling Her soul to Hecate in return for Hecate's magick. In all myths...

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