Wiccan Traditions and Paths

Generally speaking, although Wicca has a set of guiding principles, each coven lays down its own rituals and rules. However, they also incorporate the opportunity to learn, develop and grow and so can be seen to allow a certain amount of flexibility into their practices. The coven established by Gerald Gardner, Gardnerism, is guided by the rules set down by the man himself and is strongly founded on the principle of family although it is also considered by some to be...


Dragonfest is a wonderful gathering of the Pagan faith held in Colorado every August. It is a festival of like minds made possible by the caring spirits who give of themselves in time and knowledge to share the old religion through workshops and rituals in a weeklong celebration. It is with great pride and honor the Coven of the Goddess presented the Women's Ritual for 2006 and 2007 Dragonfest. The sisters who presented Ritual as well as the 200 plus women...

Pentacle of the Priestess – Colorado Dragonfest 2006

A Pentacle will be outlined in center of Circle with cauldron in center. Spirit Earth Air Water Fire Cut Circle Goddess Charge Maiden Mother Crone Sister Sister We will cast Circle (Travel once deosil around the circle chanting continuously with aid of all) By Air, by Water, by Fire, by Stone By breath and womb and blood and bone I walk the spiral; I circle ‘round To consecrate this holy ground. (Walk into center of circle, turn in place deosil, chanting with aid of all) With the eyes...

Trinity of the Priestess – Colorado Dragonfest 2007

Coven Members: North East South West Sister to Cut Circle Trinity Story Maiden Mother Crone Sister Sister Sister Prepare Sacred Space All will help Prepare the Altar All will help Chanting going on as participants enter circle. The Sisters will assist at the gate to direct participants inside, smudging and anointing as they enter. South directs circle to gather in/adjust. When ready Circle is ready South will step into center of circle waiting for chant to end. When ready will call out to everyone to stand up. South...

Herbs for Magickal and Medicinal Purposes

There are two basic ways a witch can use herbs in her healing practices: For magickal purposes For medicinal purposes These methods may overlap, as herbs may be simultaneously used for medicinal and magical purposes. The ways in which herbs are prepared and used may also overlap, as herbal oils, incense, and teas may be used for both medicinal and magical purposes. Magickal Herbs In addition to their medicinal purposes, herbs can also be used in many forms of magic for healing or...

The Charge of the Crone

Hear the words of the Grandmother of Time: She who has been known as Hecate, Erishkagel, Cerridwen, Kali-Ma, Anna, Perenna, Spider Woman, and many other names - some feared, and some loved, but none ever ignored. She it is who brings wisdom and the awareness of eternity. She has been the Maiden, and remembers that joy. She has been the Mother, and recalls that pleasure. But age has changed her, and taught her the mysteries of the Wheel that is ever turning, the Wheel that is life, death, and rebirth. She is the whirling tornado,...

The Benefits of Spiritual Cleansing

Throughout the Wiccan teachings what we come to learn is that positive attracts positive and negative attracts negative. We are also taught that one of the major principles of Wicca is that we are responsible for our own behavior and, as a consequence, ultimately responsible for our own quality of life and destiny. These teachings are reiterated over and over again. They arise when we talk of Pagan worship. They appear again when we discuss the principle of Karma. Even the...

Five Spells You Can Use to Improve your Financial Situation

Wealth means different things to different people. For some we may consider ourselves wealthy if we have good health. Others might consider that having a solid, loving relationship makes us rich, but for others money is the more direct interpretation. Relative Improvements But there are many ways in which we might want to improve our financial situation. And, once again, everything is relative. To a business man who is desperate to keep his company afloat and not only secure his future but...

The Difference between Karmic, Soulmate and Twin-Flame Relationships

Most people traverse the course of their life, not alone, but with someone. Indeed it is often one of the greatest fears of the human animal - that of being alone. But, no doubt, most of us settle for second best simply because of our innate fear of being alone. And also, of course, we often settle simply because society requires us to. Soulmates Yet frequently we hear of people searching for their soulmate. For that one individual who is our destiny...

The Time Between Casting and Manifestation

One of the most tense times for those who have spells cast on their behalf is waiting for the spell to manifest in reality. There can be little doubt that even when you have cast a spell yourself sometimes waiting for the outcome can be an anxious time particularly for the less experienced practitioner. So waiting, without direct contact, when someone else has performed the magic can frequently be very difficult. Of course this is often worse if it is...

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