Goddess Diana Empowerment Ritual

The Altar will be prepared and adorned to honor Goddess Diana

Coven Members needed:

High Priestess Crone Hand Maiden Mother Summoner: East Watchtower South Watchtower West Watchtower North Watchtower


sage all that enter Circle Do you come in perfect love and perfect trust?


bless and dedicate all with Goddess Diana's Oil and pentacle over third eye chakra

Sister to Sister we share this circle

all will cast circle

The High Priestess Speaks

Goddess Diana's Story

High Priestess

I AM called Diana, the Bright One and the Mother Flame. I...

Goddess Diana

Diana,  the Roman Goddess, was known by many names including Queen of Heaven, the Great Goddess; Lunar Virgin; Mother of Animals; Lady of Wild Creatures; and the Huntress. Diana, as the Roman Moon-Goddess, was originally worshipped on the mountain Tifata near Capua and in sacred forests. Later she was given a temple in the working-class area on the Aventine Hill, where she was mainly worshipped by the lower class (plebeians) and the slaves, of whom she was the patroness. She...

Goddess Isis’s Wisdom Ritual

The altar shall be adorned with feathers in honor of Isis, the winged Goddess

Coven Members needed for:

Cut the Circle Water and Earth Fire and Air Bless the Circle Invoke Goddess High Priestess Hand Maiden Mother Crone Summoner East Watchtower South Watchtower West Watchtower North Watchtower Cake and Wine


sage all that enter Circle Do you come in perfect love and perfect trust?

Coveners answer

Bless and dedicate all with Goddess Isis' Oil and pentacle over third eye chakra Sister to Sister in perfect...

Goddess Isis

Au Set of the winged arms, was born in Nubia along the Nile swamps on the first day of creation. It was the colonizing Greeks that altered the pronunciation to yield the now-familiar Isis, first daughter of the overarching sky Goddess Nuit, and the earth God Geb. Her worship would span generations and spread from Alexandria to all the Mediterranean countries reaching its peak in the third century BC. Its decline would come with the church and Christianity, the last...

Goddess Kali Ma Purification Ritual

For the Goddess Kali Ma Purification Ritual Maiden will place knives (one for each in Circle) in a cauldron of wet mud under the altar. Place one Goddess Oil on the Altar for all in Circle.

Coven Members needed:

High Priestess Mother Crone Hand Maiden Summoner East Watchtower South Watchtower West Watchtower North Watchtower


sage all that enter Circle Do you come in perfect love and perfect trust?


bless and dedicate all with Goddess Kali's Oil and pentacle over third eye chakra Sister to Sister...

Goddess Kali Ma

The Hindu triple Goddess Kali (pronounced kah'lee) is a warrior Goddess of creation, preservation, and destruction. She is also called Dark Mother of destiny as 'Kal' means Darkness of Time and “i” means the cause. Goddess Kali is “I who am beyond time” or “I who am time eternal”. Goddess Kali is endless spiral, unchangeable as She absorbs the Darkness of Karma for just as all the colors of the spectrum mix into black, yet still black remains black, so...

Goddess Gaia Spring Creativity Ritual

Tonight we will perform the Goddess Gaia Creativity Ritual, to honor her and to promote Creativity.

Coven Members needed:

High Priestess Crone Hand Maiden Mother Summoner East Watchtower South Watchtower West Watchtower North Watchtower


sage all that enter Circle Do you come in perfect love and perfect trust?


bless and dedicate all with Goddess Diana's Oil and pentacle over third eye chakra Sister to Sister we share this circle all will cast circle - How to cast the circle


Story of The Goddess Speaks


Story of...

Goddess Gaia – Spring Ritual

Maiden will place wild grasses for making besoms around Altar.

Coven Members needed:

High Priestess Crone Hand Maiden Mother Summoner East Watchtower South Watchtower West Watchtower North Watchtower


sage all that enter Circle Do you come in perfect love and perfect trust?


bless and dedicate all with Goddess Gaia's Oil and pentacle over third eye chakra Sister to Sister we share this circle all will cast circle


Story of The Goddess Speaks

High Priestess

Story of Goddess Gaia

High Priestess

We have worked on the purification of Self and we...

Goddess Gaia

In the beginning there was Gaia, a beautiful Goddess born from the great void of the Air known as Khaos. Goddess Gaia was life, a single living cell, dividing and re-dividing in its own creation. As beautiful as life was Goddess Gaia was alone in the great void of Khaos so once again She created life of Herself and gave birth to the Starry Heaven- Ouranos. She longed for Him to be her mate and lie with Her at night. Goddess...

Goddess Quan Yin’s Awakening Ritual

Maiden will place one white candle under altar for all sisters. Decorate the altar in honor of Goddess Quan Yin. Let the Circle be adorned with winter's bounty.

Coven Members needed for:

Cut the Circle Water and Earth Fire and Air Bless the Circle Invoke Goddess High Priestess Hand Maiden Mother Crone Summoner East Watchtower South Watchtower West Watchtower North Watchtower Cake and Wine


sage all that enter Circle Do you come in perfect love and perfect trust?


bless and dedicate all with...

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