Do spells really work? What is the success rate?

Our coven has a very high success rate. Keep in mind that when you order from us, 13 witches will be casting your spells. This makes our spells extraordinarily potent and powerful.

What spells can do: Spells will direct all the positive forces of the universe towards your wishes, but magick is not a miracle fix. You will still need to do your part, take care of yourself, make wise decisions, and work towards your wishes and goals. For example, if you have us cast a Job Spell, you will need to apply for a job and put effort into the application and interview process.

What spells cannot do: Spells are not working to diagnose, treat, or heal any medical issues, financial issues, legal issues, dangerous or life-threatening situations you may find yourself in. Always seek the help of qualified professionals to those issues.